You can email me by clicking here.

You can snail mail me by sending whatever to: PO Box 562 Eastpointe, MI 48021

Also, I have been back on Instagram for a bit, not only as myself, but I created an account for the continuation of the now-defunct Know-It-All Asshole Jerk blog!

So, if you'd like to check out my travels, see more of my photos, or stalk me on the only social media I allow the public to view, feel free to visit @adelsouto, or check out the @knowitallaholejerk account for fun uploads of short tidbits about the weird, and wonderful from around the world.








I have an interview up at The Aither, which covers my musical history, love of fanzines, and playing with human bones. Check it out!

I had a wonderful conversation with Peter Tanski for The Book of Very Very Bad Things podcast: Book II, Chapter MIV (Episode 106). We not only covered my musical, and artistic history, but had a deep dive into politics, philosophy, religion, mysticism, as well as the health of our bodies and minds. Listen in on our talk wherever you tune into podcasts.

Previously, I did an interview with Lydia Lunch and Tim Dahl for an episode of The Lydian Spin podcast (#202). We covered a lot of cool topics, such as truckin', my Memento Mori EP (where all the music was made using only human bones), and my book on NYC's odd sites / sights, This Hidden City. I had a great time, so tune in at your favorite place to listen to podcasts.

The April 7th episode of iHeartRadio's Rust Needle's Record Club podcast (where they analyzed a new record every week) took a deep dive into my Memento Mori release, and I'm honored to have been covered. While they said some great things about my musical work, they also had a few nice things to say about my art, and poetry. Check it out, wherever you check out podcasts.